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===Gnostic Christianity===
===Gnostic Christianity===

Revision as of 01:05, 22 January 2011

The purpose of this philosophy article is to create a guide to important philisophical idea spanning time, ideas, and peoples. It is both an introductory and advanced page for persons interested in any of the ideas of philosophy, and while at the moment it may be missing a couple of features, it is up to those fluent in these philosophical books to insert and revise information as the need may arise.

Classic Philosophy

Pre-Socratic Thought

Title Author* Year** Pages Description Book Cover
The Art and Thought of Heraclitus Charles H. Kahn ~500BCE 372
Early Greek Philosophy Johnathan Barnes ~700BCE - ~300BCE 336
Empedocles: The Extant Fragments M.R. Wright ~450BCE 372
The Greek Sophists John Dillon ~400s BCE 464
Parmenides of Elea David Gallop ~500BCE 144
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library Kenneth Guthrie ~500sBCE 362
Xenophanes of Colophon: Fragments James Lesher ~540 - ~480BCE 272

Socratic Thought

Title Author* Year Pages Description Book Cover
The Trial of Socrates I.F. Stone ~399BCE 304
The Clouds Aristophanes ~423BCE 212

Platonic Thought

Title Author* Year** Pages Description Book Cover
Plato Constance Meinwald 2009 256
Plato and the Socratic Dialogue Charles H. Kahn 1998 456
The Open Society and Its Enemies Karl Popper 1945 744
Plato on Knowledge and Forms Gail Fine 2003 464
Apology Plato ~399BCE 127 Plato's recording of the trial of Socrates.
Republic Plato ~380BCE 480

Plato's Complete Works

Plato ~400BCE - ~348BCE 1808 Complete collection of all of Plato's works from Crito to The Laws. Anyone interested in acquiring all of Plato's works should either get this or check out Project Gutenberg's page on him.
Symposium Plato ~383BCE 144

Aristotlean Thought

Title Author Year Pages Description Book Cover
Aristotle Christopher Shields 2007 472
From Aristotle to Augustine David Furley 2003 480
Aristotle on Nature and Living Things Allan Gotthelf 1985 410
The Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle 350 BCE 320
Rhetoric Aristotle ~350BCE 146
Metaphysics Aristotle ~350BCE 365
Poetics Aristotle ~350BCE 58
Politics Aristotle ~350BCE 188


Title Author Year Pages Description Book Cover
The Cynics: The Cynic Movement in Antiquity and Its Legacy R. Bracht Branham 2000 465
Diogenes of Sinope: A Study of Greek Cynicism Farrand Sayre 1938 139


Title Author Year Pages Description Book Cover
The Cambridge Companion to Epicureanism James Warren 2009 356
The Essential Epicurus Epicurus ~300BCE 101
The Nature of Things Lucretius 50 BCE 336


Title Author Year Pages Description Book Cover
Letters from a Stoic Seneca ~65AD 254
Epictetus - Discourses and Selected Writings Epictetus ~101AD 304
Meditations Marcus Aurelius ~175AD 108


Title Author Year Pages Description Book Cover
The Greek Skeptics: From Pyrrho to Sextus Norman Maccoll 1868 58 Can be found on Google Books here.
The Outlines of Pyrrhonism Sextus Empiricus ~200AD 283


Title Author Year Pages Description Book Cover
Neoplatonism R.T. Wallis 1995 212
Neoplatanism and Gnosticism R.T. Wallis 1992 548
The Neoplatonists John Gregory 1998 208


Title Author Year Pages Description Book Cover
The Enneads Plotinus 250AD 484

Gnostic Christianity

Title Author Year Pages Description Book Cover
Ancient Gnosticism: Traditions and Literature Birger A. Pearson 2007 362
The Nag Hammadi Library ~300AD 549
Gnosticism and Christianity in Roman and Coptic Egypt Birger A. Pearson 2004 320

External Links
-Emp.htm = Emptedocle' fragments
-Xenophan.html = Xenophanes' Fragments
-Parmends.html = Parmenides Fragments