Recommended Reading/Non-fiction

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Life on the Mississippi
( )
by Mark Twain

Down and Out in Paris and London
( )
by George Orwell

Wind, Sand and Stars
( )
by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A Moveable Feast
( )
by Ernest Hemingway

Speak, Memory
( )
by Vladimir Nabokov
More Literary Autobiographies
Diary ( ) of Lady Murasaki
Childhood Years: A Memoir ( ) by Junichiro Tanizaki
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running ( ) by Haruki Murakami
Diaries ( ) of Franz Kafka
Safe Conduct ( ) by Boris Pasternak
A Country Doctor's Notebook ( ) by Mikhail Bulgakov
Headed for the Blues: A Memoir ( ) by Josef Skvorecky
Memoir of Hungary, 1944-1948 ( ) by Sandor Marai
A Little Learning: The First Volume of an Autobiography ( ) by Evelyn Waugh
A Little Learning: The First Volume of an Autobiography ( ) by Rudyard Kipling
Memoirs of My Life ( ) by Edward Gibbon
My Life and Hard Times ( ) by James Thurber
Condundrum ( ) by Jan Morris
Six Records of a Floating Life ( ) by Shen Fu
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater ( ) by Thomas de Quincey
My Days ( ) by R.K. Narayan
The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian ( ) by Nirad C. Chaudhuri
My Struggle ( ) by Karl Ove Knausgård
A Journey Round My Skull ( ) by Frigyes Karinthy
My Father and Myself ( ) by J.R. Ackerley
Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan ( ) by Donald Keene
The Autobiography ( ) of William Carlos Williams
My Life In CIA: A Chronicle of 1973 ( ) by Harry Mathews
Diaries ( ) of Witold Gombrowicz
Prisoner of Love ( ) by Jean Genet
Sisters by a River ( ) by Barbara Comyns
On Overgrown Paths ( ) by Knut Hamsun
My Life ( ) by Lyn Hejinian
The Year of Magical Thinking (2005) by Joan Didion
Pages From the Goncourt Journals (1896) by Edmond and Jules de Goncourt
Homage to Catalonia ( ) by George Orwell
Going Solo (1986) by Roald Dahl
If This Is a Man ( ) by Primo Levi
Storm of Steel ( ) by Erst Jungern
The Periodic Table ( ) by Primo Levi
Living to Tell the Tale ( ) by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Ecce Homo ( ) by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Life of Henry Brulard ( ) by Stendhal
The Great Fire of London ( ) by Jacques Roubaud
The Autobiography ( ) of William Butler Yeats
The Autobiography ( ) of G.K. Chesterton
I, Asimov: A Memoir ( ) by Isaac Asimov


The Pillow Book
( )
by Sei Shonagon

The Autobiography
( )
of Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography
( )
of Malcolm X

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!
( )
by Richard Feynman

Goodbye to All That
( )
by Robert Graves
More Historical Autobiographies
The Book of My Life ( ) by Girolamo Cardano
My Childhood ( ) by Maxim Gorky
As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams ( ) by Lady Sarashina
The Confessions ( ) of Lady Nijo
Gossamer Years: The Diary of a Noblewoman of Heian Japan ( ) by Mother of Michitsuna
The Baburnama: Memoirs (1530) of Babur
The Memoirs (1795) of Catherine the Great
Lost Splendor: The Amazing Memoirs of the Man Who Killed Rasputin (1953) by Felix Yusupov
Narrative of the Life (1845) of Frederick Douglass
The Diary ( ) of Samuel Pepys
The Autobiography ( ) of William Tecumseh Sherman
The Journal ( ) of George Fox
The Story of My Life (1903) by Helen Keller
The Autobiography ( ) of Ulysses S. Grant
The Autobiography (1563) of Benvenuto Cellini
The Letters ( ) by Vincent van Gogh
The Secret Life (1942) of Salvador Dali
Daybook: The Journey of an Artist (1982) by Anne Truitt
The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait ( ) by Frida Kahlo
Normal Rockwell ( ) by Normal Rockwell
Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood (2001) by Oliver Sacks
The Autobiography (1887) of Charles Darwin
Naturalist (1994) by Edward O. Wilson
The Double Helix (1968) by James D. Watson
Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1963) by Carl Jung
An Unquiet Mind (1995) by Kay Redfield Jamison
Memoirs of My Nervous Illness (1902) by Daniel Paul Schreber
The Diary of a Young Girl (1944) by Anne Frank
Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (1930) by Siegfried Sassoon
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1922) by T.E. Lawrence
Cider with Rosie (1959) by Laurie Lee
Story of My Life (1774) by Giacomo Girolamo Casanova
Mr Nice (1996) by Howard Marks
Geisha: A Life ( ) by Mineko Iwasaki


Classic Essays

Essays in Idleness
( )
by Yoshida Kenko

The Anatomy of Melancholy
( )
by Robert Burton

The Complete Essays
( )
by Mark Twain

The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays
( )
by Charles Baudelaire

In Defense of Sanity: The Best Essays
( )
by G.K. Chesterton
Further Classic Essays
Essays ( ) by Francis Bacon
The Complete Essays ( ) by Michel de Montaigne
Selected Essays ( ) by Samuel Johnson
A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig and Other Essays ( ) by Charles Lamb
Walden ( ) by Henry David Thoreau
The Essential Writings ( ) by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Soul of Man Under Socialism and Selected Critical Prose ( ) by Oscar Wilde
Essays ( ) by Robert Louis Stevenson

Modern Essays (English Language)

A Collection of Essays
( )
by George Orwell

Geography of the Imagination
( )
by Guy Davenport

We Tell Ourselves Stories In Order to Live
( )
by Joan Didion

The Portable Dorothy Parker
( )
by Dorothy Parker

An Elemental Thing
( )
by Eliot Weinberger
Further Modern Essays (English Language)
Early and Later Essays ( ) by W.B. Yeats
Selected Essays ( ) by Virginia Woolf
Selected Essays ( ) by T.S. Eliot
Selected Essays ( ) by D.H. Lawrence
Kokoro ( ) by Lafcadio Hearn
Essays ( ) by E.B. White
Against Interpretation and Other Essays ( ) by Susan Sontag
Dreamers of Dreams: Essays on Poets and Poetry ( ) by John Simon
Huxley and God: Essays on Religious Experience ( ) by Aldous Huxley
Mystery and Manners ( ) by Flannery O'Connor
Literary Essays ( ) by Ezra Pound
In Favor of the Sensitive Man, and Other Essays ( ) by Anais Nin
Portraits and Observations: The Essays ( ) by Truman Capote
The Best of Myles ( ) by Flann O'Brien
A Jacques Barzun Reader ( ) by Jacques Barzun
Reflections on Exile ( ) by Edward W. Said
The Vintage Mencken ( ) by H.L. Mencken
Due Considerations: Essays and Criticism ( ) by John Updike
Shaking a Leg: Collected Journalism and Writings ( ) by Angela Carter
Fame & Folly: Essays ( ) by Cynthia Ozick
The Donald Richie Reader ( ) by Donald Richie
Dreamer of Dreams ( ) by John Simon
On Histories and Stories ( ) by A.S. Byatt
Wormholes: Essays and Occasional Writings ( ) by John Fowles
Finding a Form ( ) by William H. Gass
An Elemental Thing ( ) by Eliot Weinberger

Modern Essays (non-English Language)

Selected Non-Fictions
( )
by Jorge Luis Borges

A Barthes Reader
( )
by Roland Barthes

Six Memos for the Next Millennium
( )
by Italo Calvino

Less Than One: Selected Essays
( )
by Joseph Brodsky

Campo Santo
( )
by W.G. Sebald
Further Modern Essays (non-English Language)
Visions of Excess ( ) by Georges Bataille
Species of Spaces and Other Pieces ( ) by Georges Perec
Leters, Numbers, Forms: Essays ( ) by Raymond Queneau
Selected Essays ( ) by Zhou Zuoren
Selected Bilingual Essays ( ) by Lin Yutang
Illuminations: Essays ( ) by Walter Benjamin
The Selected Prose ( ) by Fernando Pessoa
Myself With Others: Essays ( ) by Carlos Fuentes
The Labyrinth of Solitude ( ) by Octavio Paz
The Spirit of Prague ( ) by Ivan Klima
Encounter: Essays ( ) by Milan Kundera
How to Travel with a Salmon & Other Essays ( ) by Umberto Eco
Anathemas and Admiraitions ( ) by E.M. Cioran
Passing By: Selected Essays ( ) by Jerzy Kosinski
Other People's Trades ( ) by Primo Levi
Nobody's Home ( ) by Dubravka Ugresic
Recommendation images

General Non-Fiction


( )

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( )

( )
More General Non-Fiction
The God Delusion ( ) by Richard Dawkins
How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading ( ) by Mortimer J. Adler
( ) by



Western Religion

( )
by Moshe Rabbenu (Moses Our Teacher/Rabbi)

The Bible
( )
by God

( )

( )

( )
More Western Religion
( ) by
( ) by
( ) by
( ) by
( ) by
( ) by

Eastern Religion


( )
by Laozi, trans. by Edmund Ryden

Moon on a Dewdrop
( )
by Dogen

( )

( )
Primary Texts Transmission of Light ( ) by Zen Master Keizan
Lankavatara Sutra ( ) trans. by Red Pine
Heart Sutra ( ) trans. by Red Pine
Diamond Sutra ( ) trans. by Red Pine
Dhammapada ( ) trans. by Gil Fronsdal
The Bhagavad Gita ( ) trans. by Eknath Easwaran
Basic Writings ( ) of Zhuangzi
Basic Writings ( ) of Xunzi
Writings ( ) of Mencius
The Analects ( ) of Confucius, trans. by Raymond Dawson
Literature, Poetry, etc The Aleph and Other Stories ( ) by Jorge Luis Borges
All About H. Hatter ( ) by G.V. Desani
The Conference of the Birds (12th century) by Farid ud-Din Attar
The Rubaiyat (12th century) of Omar Khayyam
Secondary & Tertiary Resources Fifty Eastern Thinkers ( ) by Diane Collinson, Kathryn Plant and Robert Wilkinson
Selected Writings ( ) of Meister Eckhart
The Self-Disclosure of God ( ) by William C. Chittick
The Gospel in Brief ( ) by Leo Tolstoy
Zen Buddhism: Selected Writings ( ) by D.T. Suzuki
Recommendation images

Travel Literature

General Travels

The Travels
( )
by Ibn Battutah

The Journals
( )
of Captain James Cook

Collected Travel Writing
( )
by Evelyn Waugh

Travels With Herodotus
( )
by Ryszard Kapuscinsk

The Way of the World
( )
by Nicolas Bouvier
More General Travels
From the Meadows of Gold ( ) by Mas'udi
Voyages and Discoveries ( ) by Richard Hakluyt
South: The Endurance Expedition ( ) by Ernest Shackleton
The Last Grain Race ( ) by Eric Newby
Pecked to Death by Ducks ( ) by Tim Cahill
Yoga For People Who Can't Be Bothered to Do It ( ) by Geoff Dyer

Travels in Europe

Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness
( )
by Ibn Fadlan

The Innocents Abroad
( )
by Mark Twain

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
( )
by Rebecca West

A Time of Gifts
( )
by Patrick Leigh Fermor

The Rings of Saturn
( )
by W.G. Sebald
More Travels in Europe
Guide to Greece (2nd century) by Pausanias
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland ( ) by Samuel Johnson
A Sentimental Journey ( ) by Laurence Sterne
Letters from England ( ) by Voltaire
Italian Journey: 1786:1788 (1788) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Travel Pictures ( ) by Heinrich Heine
Letters from Russia ( ) by Adolphe de Custine
Winter Notes on Summer Impressions ( ) by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Sakhalin Island ( ) by Anton Chekhov
D.H. Lawrence and Italy ( ) by D.H. Lawrence
Mani: Travels in the Souther Peloponnese ( ) by Patrick Leigh Fermor
The Silent Traveler in London ( ) by Chiang Lee
Stones of Aran: Labyrinth ( ) by Tim Robinson
The Colossus of Maroussi ( ) by Henry Miller
Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere ( ) by Jan Morris
In Siberia ( ) by Colin Thubron
Fado ( ) by Andrzej Stasiuk

Travels in Asia

The Travels
(13th century)
of Marco Polo

Narrow Road to the Deep North
by Matsuo Basho

Seven Years in Tibet
by Heinrich Harrer

Arabian Sands
by Wilfred Thesiger

The Snow Leopard
by Peter Matthiessen
More Travels in Asia
The Travels ( ) of Sir John Mandeville
An Ottoman Traveller: Selections from the Book of Travels ( ) by Evliya Celebi
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan ( ) by Isabella L. Bird
The Malay Archipelago ( ) by Alfred Russel Wallace
A Secret Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina ( ) by Richard Burton
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan ( ) by Lafcadio Hearn
The Southern Gates of Arabia ( ) by Freya Stark
A Time to Keep Silence ( ) by Patrick Leigh Fermor
A Barbarian in Asia ( ) by Henri Michaux
Peking Story: The Last Days of Old China ( ) by David Kidd
Hindoo Holiday ( ) by J.R. Ackerley
A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush ( ) by Eric Newby
The Inland Sea ( ) by Donald Richie
The Lost Heart of Asia ( ) by Colin Thubron
Riding the Iron Rooster ( ) by Paul Theroux
The Great Railway Bazaar ( ) by Paul Theroux
City of Djinns ( ) by William Dalrymple
Their Heads Are Green and Their Hands Are Blue (1963) by Paul Bowles

Travels in Africa

Travels in West Africa
( )
by Mary Kingsley

Out of Africa
( )
by Isak Dinesen

Green Hills of Africa
( )
by Ernest Hemingway

Journey Without Maps
( )
by Graham Greene

The Voices of Marrakesh
( )
by Elias Canetti
More Travels in Africa
Travels in the Interior of Africa ( ) by Mungo Park
Source of the Nile ( ) by Richard Burton
The Naturalist on the River Amazons ( ) by Henry Walter Bates
Travels in the Congo ( ) by Andre Gide
North of South ( ) by Shiva Naipaul
African Laughter ( ) by Doris Lessing

Travels in the Americas

Travels in Alaska
( )
by John Muir

Travels With Charley: In Search of America
( )
by John Steinbeck

( )
by Thor Keyerdahl

In Patagonia
( )
by Bruce Chatwin

An African in Greenland
( )
by Tete-Michel Kpomassie
More Travels in the Americas
Chronicle of the Narvaez Expedition ( ) by Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca
Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America ( ) by Alexander von Humboldt
History of a Voyage to the Land of Brazil ( ) by Jean de Lery
The Journals ( ) of Lewis and Clark
The Oregon Trail ( ) by Francis Parkman
American Notes for General Circulation ( ) by Charles Dickens
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers ( ) by Henry David Thoreau
Roughing It ( ) by Mark Twain
Two Years in the French West Indies ( ) by Lafcadio Hearn
Kabloona ( ) by Gontran de Poncins
Here is New York ( ) by E.B. White
The Lawless Roads ( ) by Graham Greene
I See by My Outfit ( ) by Peter S. Beagle
Coming in to the Country ( ) by John McPhee
Into the Wild ( ) by Bill Bryson
A Turn in the South ( ) by V.S. Naipaul
The Old Patagonian Express ( ) by Paul Theroux
The River Of Doubt ( ) by Candice Millard

Travel Anthologies

A Book of Traveler's Tales
edited by Eric Newby

Colonial American Travel Narratives

Travels in the Reich, 1933-1945: Foreign Authors Report from Germany

Unsuitable for Ladies: An Anthology of Women Travelers

Americans in Paris
More Travel Anthologies
Travel Writing 1700-1830
Other Routes: 1500 Years of African and Asian Travel Writing
Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing
Recommendation images