Recommended Reading/Non-fiction

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Travel Literature

Travel Literature

General Travels

The Travels
( )
by Ibn Battutah

The Journals
( )
of Captain James Cook

Collected Travel Writing
( )
by Evelyn Waugh

Travels With Herodotus
( )
by Ryszard Kapuscinsk

The Way of the World
( )
by Nicolas Bouvier
More General Travels
From the Meadows of Gold ( ) by Mas'udi
Voyages and Discoveries ( ) by Richard Hakluyt
South: The Endurance Expedition ( ) by Ernest Shackleton
The Last Grain Race ( ) by Eric Newby
Pecked to Death by Ducks ( ) by Tim Cahill
Yoga For People Who Can't Be Bothered to Do It ( ) by Geoff Dyer
Travels in Europe

Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness
( )
by Ibn Fadlan

The Innocents Abroad
( )
by Mark Twain

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
( )
by Rebecca West

A Time of Gifts
( )
by Patrick Leigh Fermor

The Rings of Saturn
( )
by W.G. Sebald
More Travels in Europe
Guide to Greece ( ) Pausanias
Recommendation images