/lit/ Top 100 Lists

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Revision as of 06:05, 8 January 2021 by (talk) (Added columns for "Author" and "2020" in the table, but did not update the averages (how are these even computed?))
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From 2014, polls of posters' favorite books have been conducted every year on /lit/. The responses to these polls generated the below infographics. After 2017, lists continued to be created, but without polls.

(In 2015, the poll also asked for a list of the responder's and three favorite authors. This was not continued from 2016 onwards.)

Facts about the similarities and differences between the 2014 poll results and the 2015 poll results are as follows:

  • 69% of the books from the 2014 list made it onto the 2015 list.

  • The highest placing new additions to the 2015 list are:
    1. Confederacy of Dunces (26)
    2. Book of the New Sun (27)
    3. Les Miserables (35)
    4. If on a Winter's Night a Traveler (50)
    5. For Whom the Bell Tolls (53)
  • The highest placing books to drop off the 2014 list are:
    1. The Plague (35)
    2. The Silmarillion (42)
    3. Leaves of Grass (53)
    4. Harry Potter series (54)
    5. A Clockwork Orange (55)
  • Of the books that stayed on the list, the greatest gains were made by:
    1. The Iliad (94 to 18)
    2. The Old Man and the Sea (97 to 34)
    3. Paradise Lost (98 to 37)
    4. Portrait of the Artist (67 to 12)
    5. Steppenwolf (93 to 42)
  • The greatest losses were:
    1. Dune (29 to 83)
    2. The Picture of Dorian Gray (16 to 64)
    3. A Farewell to Arms (46 to 93)
    4. Journey to the End of the Night (10 to 52)
    5. Invisible Cities (22 to 57)

Title Author 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Avg / % Listed (Pre-2020)
1984 Orwell 31 22 21 19 25 15 19 20.2
2666 Bolaño 99 56 29 22 34 24 15 30.0
60 Stories  Barthelme 95 570.0
A Canticle for Leibowitz Miller Jr. 100
A Clockwork Orange Burgess 98 55 229.5
A Confederacy of Dunces Toole 53 46 88 49 59 26 64.3
A Farewell to Arms Hemingway 93 46 208.5
A Hero of Our Time Lermontov 67 76 214.5
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Joyce 65 38 20 31 12 67 38.8
A Scanner Darkly Dick 99 594.0
A Tale of Two Cities Dickens 88 92 270.0
Absalom, Absalom! Faulkner 73 82 51 79 141.3
Ada, or Ardor Nabokov 66 96 243.0
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain 68 408.0
Aeneid Virgil 63 82 89 156.0
Against Nature Huysmans 53 94 45 208.5
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carroll 83 97 81 73 125.3
American Psycho Ellis 44 60 90 88 65 80 51 72.3
Animal Farm Orwell 72 83 232.5
Anna Karenina Tolstoy 21 14 17 34 20 21 28 22.3
Antifragile Taleb 86
Arcades Project Benjamin 88 528.0
As I Lay Dying Faulkner 87 88 69 48 109.5
Being and Time Heidegger 22
Beyond Good and Evil Nietzsche 96 80 92 178.7
Blood Meridian McCarthy 15 17 11 23 8 8 4 11.8
Bottom's Dream Schmidt 61 366.0
Brave New World Huxley 39 59 40 38 71 65 65.5
Bronze Age Mindset Bronze Age Pervert 54
Buddenbrooks Mann 62
Candide Voltaire 97 85 273.0
Cannery Row Steinbeck 78 468.0
Capital Marx 63 26 57 124.5
Catch 22 Heller 32 45 27 42 35 10 14 28.8
Confessions Augustine 31 59 51 94.0
Confessions of a Mask Mishima 81 486.0
Correction Bernhard 66 43 163.5
Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky 5 4 2 10 12 5 13 7.7
Critique of Pure Reason Kant 48 93 558.0
Cryptonomicon Stephenson 98 588.0
Dandelion Wine Bradbury 77 462.0
Dead Souls Gogol 61 93 95 71 120.0
Demons  Dostoevsky 75 78 468.0
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Dick 92 60 228.0
Don Quixote Cervantes 8 6 12 8 11 11 8 9.3
Dubliners Joyce 88 27 22 15 19 14 40 22.8
Dune Herbert 71 53 74 83 29 74.4
East of Eden Steinbeck 37 36 89 44 41 84 55.2
Essays Montaigne 63 52 172.5
Ethics Spinoza 94
Extinction Bernhard 45
Fanged Noumena Land 66 396.0
Farenheit 451 Bradbury 70 77 220.5
Faust Goethe 76 30 28 46 33 65 48.5
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Thompson 59 354.0
Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard 68 75 214.5
Fictions Borges 17 41 20 16 9 19 11 19.3
Fight Club Palahniuk 87 522.0
Finnegan's Wake  Joyce 75 81 30 39 84.4
For Whom the Bell Tolls Hemingway 53 318.0
Foucault's Pendulum Eco 77
Frankenstein  Shelley 100 600.0
Franny & Zooey Salinger 87 88 262.5
Gravity's Rainbow Pynchon 55 10 8 4 7 6 7 7.0
Growth of the Soil Hamsun 76 456.0
Hamlet  Shakespeare 23 20 14 25 30 38 21 24.7
Heart of Darkness Conrad 57 70 56 62 61 43 58.2
History of Charles XII Voltaire 27
Hopscotch Cortázar 52 86 516.0
House of Leaves Danielewski 69
Hunger Hamsun 42 59 54 60 72 68.9
I Am a Cat Sōseki 99 594.0
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler  Calvino 100 47 50 131.3
Illuminatus! Wilson; Shea 95 570.0
Industrial Society and its Future Kaczynski 11
In Search of Lost Time Proust 24 24 19 14 22 29 45 25.5
Infinite Jest Wallace 16 11 10 3 3 1 1 4.8
Invisible Cities Calvino 89 85 54 83 81 57 22 63.7
J R Gaddis 36  77 57 75 139.3
Jerusalem Moore 48 29 115.5
Journey to the End of the Night Céline 46 39 35 60 52 10 47.0
Kafka on the Shore Murakami 95 86 73 169.3
King Lear Shakespeare 98 91 79 178.7
Kokoro Sōseki 69 414.0
Leaves of Grass Whitman 86 53 208.5
Les Misérables Hugo 42 35 46 71 99 35 68.6
Life and Fate Grossman 99 594.0
Light in August Faulkner 70 420.0
Lolita Nabokov 7 8 6 6 5 8 5 6.3
London Bridge Céline 90
Lord of the Flies Golding 100 66 249.0
Madame Bovary Flaubert 64 51 93 44 69 54 97.5
Malone Dies Beckett 76 456.0
Mason & Dixon Pynchon 71 43 43 33 25 51.6
Meditations Aurelias 40 65 36 63 79 67.9
Meditations Descartes 62 372.0
Mein Kampf Hitler 1
Metamorphoses Ovid 91 94 564.0
Middlemarch Eliot 84 504.0
Moby Dick Melville 3 1 1 1 2 2 6 2.2
Modernity and Cultural Decline Woodley et al 30
Molloy Beckett 60 360.0
Mrs. Dalloway Woolf 90 540.0
Nausea Sartre 64 100 246.0
Neuromancer Gibson 97 582.0
No Longer Human  Dazai 70 34 76 50 73 55 69.1
Notes from Underground Dostoevsky 25 18 23 32 44 26 34.3
Oblomov Goncharov 98 588.0
Of Mice and Men Steinbeck 74 85 238.5
On the Heights of Despair Cioran 49
On The Road Kerouac 57 342.0
One Hundred Years of Solitude Márquez 28 25 26 26 17 23 23 23.3
Pale Fire Nabokov 72 47 24 36 70 81 55.0
Pan Hamsun 92 77 462.0
Paradise Lost Milton 93 55 24 68 46 37 98 54.7
Pedro Páramo Rulfo 9
Phenomenology of Spirit Hegel 44 50 141.0
Platonic Dialogues Plato 21 126.0
Process and Reality Whitehead 29 174.0
Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction Salinger 78
Roadside Picnic Strugatzky, A. & B. 89 85 261.0
Satantango Krasznahorkai 33
Siddhartha Hesse 62 45 64 24 25 27 41.2
Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut 56 62 78 39 24 76.1
Society of the Spectacle Debord 90 540.0
Solaris Lem 62 372.0
Sometimes a Great Notion Kesey 67 402.0
Steppenwolf Hesse 79 66 96 40 42 93 80.9
Stoner Williams 10 13 7 7 10 9 38 14.0
Storm of Steel  Jünger 48 97 217.5
Story of the Eye Bataille 50
Summa Theologica Aquinas 74 444.0
Suttree McCarthy 74 444.0
Take Five Mano 51
Tao Te Ching Laozi 43
The Aleph Borges 81 486.0
The Anatomy of Melancholy Burton 75 450.0
The Bhagavad Gita Vyasa 74 73 438.0
The Book of Disquiet Pessoa 34 16 32 47 58 48 41 40.3
The Book of the New Sun Wolfe 32 31 17 41 27 35.5
The Brothers Karamazov Dostoevsky 4 3 3 9 4 3 3 4.2
The Canterbury Tales Chaucer 80 100 270.0
The Castle Kafka 79 95 261.0
The Catcher in the Rye Salinger 37 43 37 58 52 16 17 37.2
The Changing Light at Sandover Merrill 57
The Confidence-Man Melville 87
The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas 40 36 34 90 51 59 100 61.7
The Crying of Lot 49 Pynchon 87 86 52 42 45 47 59.8
The Death of Ivan Ilych Tolstoy 70 420.0
The Decline of the West Spengler 90 78 252.0
The Divine Comedy Alighieri 38 7 16 13 16 30 32 19.0
The Ego & His Own Stirner 71 426.0
The Elementary Particles Houellebecq 65 77 96 259.5
The Faerie Queene Spenser 94 564.0
The Fall Camus 76 91 250.5
The Flowers of Evil Baudelaire 91 546.0
The Fountainhead Rand 95
The Glass Bead Game Hesse 79 474.0
The Golden Bowl James 80 89 534.0
The Good Earth Buck 96 576.0
The Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck 84 84 77 56 112.9
The Great Gatsby  Fitzgerald 58 92 46 20 81.0
The Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn 65 390.0
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Adams 90 540.0
The Hobbit Tolkien 60 72 44 117.3
The Holy Bible  2 2 4 5 6 22 64 17.2
The Idiot Dostoevsky 66 33 48 80 45 58 63.4
The Iliad Homer 6 9 9 11 15 18 94 26.0
The Leopard Lampedusa 82 492.0
The Lord of the Rings Tolkien 18 38 51 33 48 63 55.9
The Magic Mountain Mann 61 49 39 53 75 66.5
The Major Works Browne 81
The Making of Americans Stein 41
The Man Without Qualities Musil 49 73 83 136.7
The Master and Margarita Bulgakov 14 50 56 27 23 20 34 35.0
The Metamorphosis Kafka 58 42 55 81 26 47 49 50.0
The Naked Lunch  Burroughs 89 74 96 74 50 91.9
The Name of the Rose Eco 99 95 86 186.7
The Odyssey Homer 29 12 15 28 21 31 31 23.0
The Old Man and The Sea Hemingway 67 34 97 132.0
The Opposing Shore Gracq 82
The Pale King Wallace 63 67 69 132.7
The Passion According to G.H. Lispector 83
The Picture of Dorian Gray  Wilde 61 54 38 64 16 55.9
The Plague Camus 35 210.0
The Portrait of a Lady James 84
The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas Assis 59 40 240.0
The Prince Machiavelli 92 552.0
The Quran 19 91 546.0
The Recognitions Gaddis 28 44 18 27 56 41.5
The Red & The Black Stendhal 70 92 552.0
The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times Guénon 71
The Remains of the Day Ishiguro 87 522.0
The Republic Plato 26 23 39 68 86.7
The Rings of Saturn Sebald 78 468.0
The Road McCarthy 69 414.0
The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea Mishima 47 68 172.5
The Savage Detectives Bolaño 86 31 55 43 63 66.7
The Secret History Tartt 96
The Simarillion Tolkien 42 252.0
The Sirens of Titan Vonnegut 67 402.0
The Sorrows of Young Werther Goethe 87 522.0
The Sound and the Fury Faulkner 64 33 37 49 36 18 39.5
The Stranger Camus 12 21 13 32 13 13 2 15.7
The Sun Also Rises Hemingway 80 53 93 72 62 52 68.7
The Tartar Steppe Buzzati 60
The Temple of the Golden Pavillion Mishima 99 58 235.5
The Trial Kafka 47 30 12 14 28 9 22.3
The Trilogy Beckett 67 69 28 145.5
The Tropic of Cancer Miller 84 504.0
The Tunnel Gass 58 72 76 137.3
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Kundera 98 588.0
The Unconsoled Ishiguro 52
The Wasp Factory Banks 80 480.0
The Waste Land Eliot 91 546.0
The Waves Woolf 85 91 50 49 33 73.9
The World as Will and Representation Schopenhauer 79 474.0
Thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzsche 72 19 25 56 97 82 67.0
To the Lighthouse Woolf 61 54 73 41 57 94 75 81.6
Tristram Shandy Sterne 83 83 64 153.3
Ubik Dick 61 366.0
Ubu Roi Jarry 35
Ulysses Joyce 20 5 5 2 1 4 12 4.8
Under the Volcano Lowry 82 85 250.5
V.  Pynchon 68 41 35 37 40 30 43.9
Valis Dick 78 468.0
Voss White 85
Walden Thoreau 89 534.0
War and Peace Tolstoy 13 15 18 29 18 32 36 24.7
Watership Down Adams 66 396.0
White Fragility DiAngelo 97
White Noise DeLillo 55 94 17 37 76.1
Wuthering Heights Brontë 68 39 160.5
Zhuangzi Zhuangzi 98

/lit/ top 100 books circa 2019 (fake list)

/lit/ top 100 books circa 2019 (real list)

Collected 2014-2017 Top 100
Collected 2014-2017 Top 100